The Science of Learning comes to Teach East

On 30th September Teach East were privileged to welcome Bradley Busch from InnerDrive to their training rooms; Bradley and his colleague Ed are the duo behind the much-admired book The Science of Learning - 99 Studies Every Teacher Needs To Know.
ndThe aim of the event was not only to offer high-quality free CPD for local leaders and mentors but also to raise the profile of the role of the mentor in schools. Trainees need support and guidance from a range of avenues, and it is important that everyone understands the shared language of pedagogy reflected in the newly-developed Initial Teacher Training Core Content Framework. As much of the framework is built on a foundation of evidence and research into what really works in teaching, and as much of this can be viewed through a lens of cognitive science, we want to enable all those involved in the development of our trainees to understand the thinking behind their instruction.
On the back of this we are launching the pilot of our new online Mentor Training Programme, designed and supported by InnerDrive themselves, aimed at helping mentors understand the latest in cognitive science and therefore enabling them to better support our trainees.